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Ceramic Vases


Design de interiores e Arquitectura

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EasyDecor arrived at the British Embassy

Atualizado: 13 de abr. de 2021

We didn't quite know what color to use on the walls and also how to combine all the pieces we wanted to restore and recover. The color of the new upholstery was also a doubt!

It was with this request that Interiores Perfeito contacted us. In the end, after a slight adjustment to the first solution, he returned it to us with the following testimony: "The EASYDECOR solution was the fastest and most economical way to visualize all the changes that were intended to be made, so we were able to have an overview of the entire space, with the furniture and colors indicated by us. It far exceeded my expectations, thanks for the commitment and professionalism ", Fátima Sena. Thank you for your preference Fátima!

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